3664 poze   34267 vizite

Delia wuella wuella si alte poze

Wuella Wuella
Say what you wanna say
Come on jump and ride it
Say what you wanna say
Just jump and ride it
Say what you wanna say
Come on jump and ride it
Say wuella wuella wue
Say wuella wuella wue

Yo! Yo!
Got everything I need ya
Watch me tonight
I need ya
Someone make you feel right
And I can see ya, see ya mind
I know you want me
Cause I'mma make you feel right

Cause now I'm bout ya
Run away, king it out way
Run away dilaila
Run away, king it out way
Run away dilaila

Say what you wanna say
Come on jump and ride it
Say what you wanna say
Just jump and ride it
Say what you wanna say
Come on jump and ride it
Say wuella wuella wue
Say wuella wuella wue

Say wuella wuella wuella wue e wue wue wue e
Wuella wuella wue e wue wue wue e
Wuella wuella wue e wue wue wue e
Say wuella wuella wue

Cause now I'm bout ya
Run away, king it out way
Run away dilaila
Run away, king it out way
Run away dilaila

Say what you wanna say
Come on jump and ride it
Say what you wanna say
Just jump and ride it
Say what you wanna say
Come on jump and ride it
Say wuella wuella wue
Say wuella wuella wue

Hey yeeee
Ai ai ai ye it's ok I will play
It's ok meet me halfway
Ai ai ai ye it's ok I will play
It's ok I will play
I meet your halfway
Heeeeey yeeeeeah
Oh! Oh! Oooh! Oh!
Oh! Oh! Oooh! Oh!

Say what you wanna say
Come on jump and ride it
Say what you wanna say
Just jump and ride it
Say what you wanna say
Come on jump and ride ït
Say wuella wuella wue
Say wuella wuella wue
Wuella wue e wue e e

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